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Let me introduce myself

The home-made stuff
The every day, behind the scenes (hopefully) funny stuff - Not perfect but 100% organic and real. Take a peek, you may not want to leave...
STV Episode 2: Fake It
STV Episode 1: Even Rockstars Wear Socks

The glitzy sh*t
Official Music videos - We've played around with stuffed animals, men in uniforms, Elvis skateboarding and people scaling walls, all in the name of adding new dimensions to the music. Did we have any idea what we were doing? Not really. Did we have fun? Hell yeah!!
Pop Ur Heart Out (SpekrFreks Remix)
So Delicious (Massi & De Leon Massive Radio Mix)
Top 10 Billboard Dance Hit
Sexy Punk
Superstar Car Crash
Female artist, music licensing, ,music producer
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